Benefits of using a registered BAS Agent

What is a BAS Agent?

Anyone providing BAS services for a fee, must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board.  Once a BAS Agent is registered, they are able to perform BAS services such as working out or advising businesses regarding liabilities, obligations and entitlements.

A bookkeeper who is not a registered BAS agent is able to assist with general bookkeeping duties, however, unable to complete and submit a Business Activity Statements, Instalment Activity Statements, PAYG statements etc, on a clients behalf.

Why should I use a registered BAS Agent?

Using a registered BAS Agent provides you with:
• consumer protection through professional indemnity insurance
• extended tax and BAS lodgement due dates
• experienced and qualified agents who comply with a professional code of conduct.

To check if an agent is registered, just enter their details in the register or look for the registered practitioner symbol.

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