5 Reasons To Move To A Cloud-Based Accounting System – Flawless Figures

Talking about online accounting, every day more and more businesses are turning to cloud – the platform where you access the data online anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Comparing with traditional Desktop versions, cloud-based versions may have slightly different functionality but they are versatile & provide long-term viability. Their peculiarity to get easily deployed, managed and upgraded than the contracts of the past, makes it an ideal choice. Although, it simplifies your accounting process from start to finish.

Benefits of Cloud Accounting:

Ease of Access:

Accessibility is the prime benefit of cloud-based bookkeeping. While using that old desktop-based system, all your data & accounts are on the local drive. Consequently, you get stuck in one location – resulting in limited access to your data & financial information.

However, with the cloud-based accounting, you are no more restricted. All your data is safely encrypted and stored on cloud-server. In order to access your business’s financial data from anywhere worldwide – whether you are traveling, gaining new clients or taking care of other important business matters – all you need is your device and an internet connection.


Eliminating the need for expensive computer equipment and resources to set up and maintain office servers, it cuts the wide amount of cost for your business. Thereupon, it is the most economical way to go.

Usually, there is a monthly subscription fee in the cloud-based systems – in which updates in software and hardware are done automatically by the service provider. This helps you in staying always up-to-date at a reduced implementation cost.


Well, in the desktop approach, there is limited access to the accounts. Hence, the collaboration with other colleagues & advisors is difficult.

On the other hand, cloud-based approach lets you view real-time accounting information anytime, anywhere. As a result, Key People can stay connected with up-to-date information, regardless of the location.


Keeping your data secure is critical for any organization. When you are using a cloud-based system, all your data is stored online with Military level encryption. Also, it includes backup functionality to prevent the possibility of data loss.

Even if your computer is stolen, no one can access your data unless they have a login to the online account. Your data is safe and backed up because your data is no longer at a physical server in the office. Thus, it also controls the privacy access of confidential data.

Free Storage:

All the records – file, information, and data are stored online on ‘cloud storage’. This means there is no need to install anything on local hard disks. It saves a huge amount of storage & hence reduces cost. Although, every time you log in to your account, you will get to the most up-to-date version of the software – without paying any extra cost or without updating it yourself.

This proves that cloud accounting is an accessible, cost-effective and secure solution – regardless of the Industry or firm you are competing in.

Being a business owner, you might have exclusive entrepreneurship skills but if talk about financing and accounting, it could be a tedious distraction. While you are focusing on building your brand and growing your business, it is too burdensome & toilful task to manage your bookkeeping concurrently. Thus, to alleviate your stress & pressure, Flawless Figures has come across exclusive cloud-based bookkeeping services involving Business setup, Payroll, Bank Reconciliation, Accounting software & much more.

What is the Superannuation Amnesty?

superannuation amnesty

The Australian Government has announced its plans to allow employers with outstanding superannuation debts, a 12-month amnesty to pay overdue superannuation to their employees before penalties will be imposed.

It is reported that in 2014-15 alone, approximately $2.85 billion in Superannuation went unpaid.

To comply with the amnesty guidelines, employers must pay all of the superannuation that is owing to their employees, including nominal interest. The usual hefty penalties for late payment will not be applied during the amnesty period.

According the Australian Government’s announcement, employers that do not take advantage of the amnesty will face higher penalties when they are subsequently caught.

Throughout the amnesty period the ATO plans to continue its usual enforcement activity against employers who do not voluntarily disclose their historical obligations.

The SG Amnesty is a great opportunity for businesses to wipe their slate clean and for employees to be paid the entitlements that they are rightfully owed.

The amnesty is a draft law before parliament.

Click here to read the Australian Government’s announcement of SG Amnesty.

How safe is cloud based accounting software?

Undoubtedly, cloud based accounting is the way forward.  Switching your account keeping software to the cloud, not only saves your business a tremendous amount of valuable time, but also increases accuracy and gives you access to real-time data on any device.

But many cautious business owners ask “how safe is cloud software?”.  And let’s be honest, in a time when we are so often hearing about credit cards being hacked, personal details being stolen and used in fraudulent ways, why wouldn’t we be concerned?  It is definitely a question we should be asking, especially when we are placing our business finances and documents within these systems, we want to be sure that we are the only ones who are able to access it. So, how safe is cloud-based accounting software?

As with any system, proper precautions must be taken.  Software that is being hosted locally can just as easily be hacked as cloud based software, the security issues are the same. There are currently multiple layers of security with cloud based software and The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is introducing a new operational framework for software developers and for accountants and bookkeepers who use software to interact with the ATO.  This new framework requires accountants and bookkeepers to use multifactor authentication when they login. This means anyone working with Australian taxpayer information needs to have 2 step authentication implemented in their cloud based software by the end of March 2018 to comply.

Whilst software companies like Xero and MYOB have many layers of security to protect our business, this latest ATO requirement gives another level of added security protecting Australian Businesses.

SBSCH to join the ATO Online Services

On February 26 2018, the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) will join the ATO’s online services. This will streamline how you use the SBSCH and also include extra functionality, such as the ability to sort employee listings and payment by credit card. Businesses will be able to access the SBSCH within the Business Portal. For further information, click on the following link.

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